To create a virtual community of support and communication for pre-service teachers was the first phase in the existence of the TeleLearning-PDS. As Internet became more and more visible to pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators, support in the thoughtful use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) became of value to teachers. The design of the virtual community of support and communication increasingly focused on learning to teach in a network-enabled classroom, be it an elementary, secondary, or post-secondary classroom (Phase II). Furthermore, professional development for the design of knowledge building communities was sought (Phase III).

Four of the seven TL-NCE Educating Educators research projects had for context technology-enabled teacher communities.

The first three local sites chose their own means of support:

Another partner site was one which was developing a knowledge building suite of tools:

Support tools for sociotechnical designs are presented, ones developed byTL-NCE research and development teams, and others:

Virtual U
Knowledge Forum
Telelearning Teacher Portal
ISTE/NCATE Program Standards
SchoolNet (Staff Room)
Vitrine APO
Office of Learning Technologies
Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT)
EVNET: Network for the Evaluation of Education and Training Technologies
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
Schools for Thought
Center for innovative Learning Technologies
The center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools
Virtual High School Consortium
General information and education resources:
Canadian Education Research and Information System (CERIS)
Canadian Education on the Web
SchoolNet Canada
Centre des ressources éducationnelles
Education Week
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education)
National Center for Research on Teacher Learning
New Horizons for Learning
Teach 2000